Updated: March 12, 2020

Scholarships by Type

Scholarships.com offers you the best, most up-to-date and dynamically searchable scholarships to help you finance your college education. Searching for scholarships by type is a good way to start, though we recommend the first thing you do is conduct a free college scholarship search. Even if your financial aid letter came and you don't have to pay the full "sticker price", you're still responsible for footing the rest of the bill - which could cost tens of thousands of dollars. Before you take out any loans, spend some time searching for and applying for free scholarship money.

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Student-Specific Scholarships

There is a scholarship for almost anything you can imagine. Whether you're a single mom or have strong religious convictions, have a passion for thinking "green" or love to dance, chances are there is at least one scholarship out there that you're eligible for. Make a list of your personal, unique attributes, and investigate the major organizations, local groups, and private corporations that may have educational funding. Cancer societies, for example, offer a large number of cancer scholarships for college students with a history of cancer. No matter what you enjoy doing or what makes you stand out, there will be a scholarship to reward you for simply being you.

The most common student-specific scholarships are scholarships for minorities. The Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship, for example, provides funding specifically to minority students pursuing a BS, MS or PhD in a technical science or engineering discipline. Also, scholarships for Hispanic students have become more available as Hispanic advocacy groups have begun to raise awareness about low numbers of Hispanic students going to college. International students should also feel confident about applying to American colleges, as there are existing scholarships reserved for them.

Unique Scholarships

Unique scholarships compensate unique hobbies, such as duck calling or speaking in Klingon, and are less competitive than needs-based or more high-profile scholarships. For example, not many people have a passion for creating prom attire out of duct tape. Consider your special qualities, and look into contacting local organizations that fit your profile. If you are looking into a field that is unique, look to your community for the field-relevant award you are pursuing. Look beyond your college application and your grades, and you may be eligible for funding in more than one place.

Browse through our list of scholarships by type to see some examples of awards you could be eligible for, and don’t forget to conduct a free scholarship search to see even more awards based on different criteria unique to your profile.

Some Examples: