Bruce and Evelyn Bowman Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The Pest Management Foundation, in collaboration with Bowman Termite and Pest Management, is proud to present the Bruce and Evelyn Bowman Scholarship. This esteemed scholarship, valued at $1,000, is dedicated to supporting the educational journey of graduating high school seniors in the state of Hawaii.

Scholarship Details

  • Scholarship name: Bruce and Evelyn Bowman Endowed Scholarship
  • Donor: Bowman Termite and Pest Management
  • Award amount: $1,000

Eligibility Criteria

  • High school graduate from a Hawaii-based high school intending to enroll in college or trade school
  • Minimum unweighted high school GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
  • Parent or guardian employed in the pest control industry

Application Process

  1. Prepare a resume or curriculum vita.
  2. Include a current unofficial academic transcript.
  3. Write a one-page (minimum) essay detailing your professional goals, aspirations, and how your studies will contribute to your chosen field.
  4. Obtain at least one letter of recommendation from a teacher or counselor, focusing on your academic progress and work ethic.
  5. Feel free to submit any other supporting documents, such as research papers, proposals, participation in faculty research, industry internships, fellowship projects, or industry work experience.

The Bruce and Evelyn Bowman Scholarship is more than a financial aid opportunity; it's a pathway to shaping the future of pest management. Apply today and let your commitment to education and the industry be recognized and rewarded.

Note: Please check the official scholarship page or contact the Pest Management Foundation for the most accurate and up-to-date information, including the application deadline. Scholarship Search