David Barrett Memorial Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The David Barrett Memorial Scholarship is awarded biennially to recognize the work of an outstanding undergraduate or graduate student who demonstrates an interest and ability in utilizing classical design elements and traditional materials in their work. Classical design is aligned with Greek and Roman design principals. Please be creative and innovative in how this is translated in your work. All project types will be accepted, including, but not limited to, workplace, civic, residential, hospitality, and historical restoration.

Founded in 1975, ASID is the oldest, largest and only multi-disciplinary professional organization for interior designers, interior design students and the manufacturers and suppliers who support the profession. At ASID, we know education matters. That’s why the ASID Foundation, in partnership with our ASID Industry Partners, provides a number of annual scholarships and grant opportunities available to expand research and knowledge around the impact of interior design on behavior, health, and well-being.

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