Updated: June 10, 2024

Minority Scholarships

smiling and laughing minority college students

With larger percentages of minority students enrolling each year, the landscape of higher education is beginning to change. There are a large number of college scholarships aimed at helping minority students get a post-secondary education while keeping student loans to a minimum. Read below to see how minority scholarships work, how to find the ones that fit you best and how to apply.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Minority Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

What are minority scholarships?

Minority students who are underrepresented in college generally or in particular fields are given scholarships. For example, while women make up the majority of college students, they are still considered a minority in fields such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

These awards are intended to provide financial assistance and support to students from underrepresented groups. Numerous people have access to minority scholarships, including those who identify as Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic/Latino, and members of other racial and ethnic minorities. They can be used by graduate and undergraduate students to advance their academic and career goals. Along with financial assistance, these scholarships provide beneficial opportunities for community support, mentoring, and networking. By supporting minority students in their academic achievements, these scholarships aim to build a more diverse and inclusive higher education environment.

Minority scholarships may be given for the following categories:

Some minority scholarships may have a financial need element, but this depends on the scholarship provider. Minority scholarships can be limited to a specific minority type or encompass many different marginalized groups. Some of them may be specifically for first-generation, or "first in family" college students who come from families which have never had a member attend or graduate from college.

For example, the Brown MAE Foundation Healthcare Scholarship is given to a healthcare student from one of the following racial groups: Black/African American, Native American/American Indian, Hispanic/Latin American or Asian or Pacific Islander.

Some minority scholarships may be vague in their requirements. For example, the GMiS California Health Sciences Scholarship is given to a student from a group that has been historically underreported in the health sciences industry. They do not mention any groups by name, unlike other types of minority scholarships.

Scholarships for minority students may only require a general level of academic success or have detailed requirements, like majoring in a certain field or being interested in a particular industry.

How to apply for minority scholarships

The procedure for applying for a minority scholarship is the same as the procedure for applying for any other type of award. First, be aware that there is never a bad time to start applying for scholarships. Scholarship application dates vary widely, so it's best to get started as soon as possible to increase your chances of being selected.

You can start by looking for scholarships using our Scholarship Directory or creating a profile and conducting a free college scholarship search as well as talking to your high school counselor and perhaps the financial aid office at any college you are considering attending.

Once you start finding potential scholarships, organize them by the due date and level of difficulty. For example, you will need to allocate more time to a scholarship that requires two separate essays than an application without any essays.

Also note which scholarships require a letter of recommendation from a teacher, club sponsor, coach or another adult. You should probably give at least a few weeks' notice when asking for a letter of recommendation.

Look for both specialized rewards that are best suited for you and general minority scholarships. The likelihood of a big influx of applicants for the general awards is higher, making it more difficult to stand out.

You'll have a better chance of winning if you can identify scholarships that only apply to a small portion of the population. For instance, the National Association of Black Journalists only grants rewards for Black students interested in the media, whereas the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) offers scholarships for all kinds of African-American students.

Pacific Islander Scholarships

Students from Pacific Island nations frequently face unique challenges when pursuing higher education. These issues could include a lack of resources, cultural barriers, and financial challenges. For the benefit of Pacific Islander students, there are Pacific Islander scholarships available that are designed to support their academic goals. Through these scholarships, Pacific Islander students are encouraged to pursue further education, their academic achievements are recognized, and their personal development is encouraged. With the aid of these scholarships, Pacific Islander students can confidently pursue their college or university education by overcoming financial barriers. Whether students are pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees, there are scholarship programs that might help them achieve their goals of going to college.

Eligibility Criteria

Specific eligibility requirements for minority scholarships differ based on the award program. The application procedure takes into account education levels, racial eligibility standards, GPA requirements, and other pertinent factors. These requirements guarantee that scholarships are given to meritorious candidates who satisfy the necessary requirements.

While some scholarships are only available to graduate students, some are available to undergraduate students as well. Scholarships for Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, Black, and Hispanic students, among others, may have racial eligibility conditions. A lot of scholarships also take into account candidates who are underrepresented minorities or first-generation college students.

Scholarships may have different GPA requirements, with some needing a minimum GPA to be considered. Participation in volunteer work in the community, a track record of success in a certain industry, or a dedication to public service are all additional essential factors.

It's vital to remember that each scholarship has a unique set of qualifying conditions, so prospective applicants must carefully read the specifications listed by each program. Eligible students can increase their chances of getting the funding they require to pursue their college degree by doing this.

Scholarship Opportunities

Here are some of the top scholarship opportunities for minority students:

  1. Ron Brown Scholar Program: The Ron Brown Scholar Program is devoted to assisting African American students with their academic success and leadership. High-achieving minority students can receive financial aid, mentoring, and leadership training through this competitive scholarship program. Being a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States, displaying academic distinction, showcasing leadership potential, and engaging in volunteer work are all requirements.
  2. Scholarships for Muslim College Students: Muslims seeking higher education have access to a wide range of possibilities that are suited to their requirements. The purpose of these scholarships is to aid Muslim students in reaching their academic and professional objectives. getting a practicing Muslim, enrolling in or getting accepted into an authorized institution or university, maintaining a minimal GPA, and exhibiting financial need are all frequent conditions for these scholarships.
  3. Legacy Lab Scholarship: The Legacy Lab, Team One’s award-winning think tank and strategic consultancy has announced the call for submissions for its annual scholarship. The scholarship will go to a student who represents the next generation of legacy makers. With growing interest in the scholarship, this year’s recipient will receive $15,000 to put toward school-related expenses. The scholarship will continue to honor Black and African American students to help achieve their long-term ambitions as future leaders and entrepreneurs.
  4. American Psychological Association (APA) Scholarships and Fellowships: For minority students pursuing degrees in psychology or allied subjects, the American Psychological Association (APA) provides a number of scholarships and fellowships. The purpose of these awards is to advance diversity and inclusion in the psychological community. Being a minority student, exhibiting academic brilliance, and being dedicated to contributing to society are all possible eligibility requirements.
  5. National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME) Scholarship Program: The NACME Scholarship Program assists underrepresented minority students who are pursuing undergraduate engineering degrees. Minority students interested in engineering are given financial help as well as professional and academic support through this program. The requirements for eligibility include being a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States, keeping a minimum GPA, and exhibiting a dedication to an engineering profession.

These scholarship offers offer minority students pursuing higher education crucial financial assistance and resources. Each scholarship opportunity has a different set of requirements, making it possible for students to select one that fits their personal circumstances, academic prowess, and professional objectives.

Financial Aid Opportunities

Diverse organizations offer financial aid possibilities, such as grants and counseling services, to minority students in order to ease the financial burden of a college education. These resources are designed to encourage students from all backgrounds and provide them with the financial assistance they need to fulfill their educational goals.

For students of color in particular, many groups offer their own scholarships. These scholarships are awarded to students from various racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. Some of these organizations are the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, the United Negro College Fund, and the Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund. Because each organization has its own eligibility criteria, it is essential for students to perform in-depth research and identify scholarships that are compatible with their particular backgrounds and interests.

Finding and applying for scholarships is crucial for minority students who need financial aid. They are able to get funding that covers their schooling as well as other resources like leadership development and mentoring. Minority students should take the time to research scholarships and submit detailed applications to increase their chances of receiving financial help and attaining their academic and career goals.

Finally, minority students can take advantage of financial aid opportunities including scholarships and counseling services. Minority students might find the financing they require for higher education by diligently applying for the scholarships offered by various organizations.

Asian American Scholarships

Asian American scholarships are essential for expanding students' access to higher education. In recognition of the particular difficulties and obstacles Asian American students may have in obtaining higher education, these scholarships are intended to help their academic endeavors. By providing financial assistance, mentoring, and opportunities for leadership development, these scholarships assist Asian American students by lightening their financial burden and establishing a caring community. Thanks to the diversity of organizations that provide scholarships tailored to diverse ethnicities and cultural backgrounds within the Asian American community, students can find opportunities that meet their own interests and goals. By submitting an application for one of these scholarships, Asian American students can enhance their educational experience, achieve their academic and career goals, and contribute to the growth of their communities.

College Degree Scholarships

Minority students have incredible opportunities to pursue higher education and accomplish their academic and professional goals thanks to scholarships for college degrees. These scholarships span a wide range of academic disciplines, including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and business courses like MBA programs.

STEM scholarships have been established to entice underrepresented minority students to go for employment in these fields. These scholarships provide financial support and help to students seeking degrees in disciplines such as engineering, computer science, and biology. Similar to this, scholarships for MBA programs aim to increase diversity in business leadership by providing minority students who are pursuing postgraduate business degrees with financial opportunity.

Students must fulfill specific qualifying requirements, such as maintaining a particular GPA, proving financial need, or being a member of a particular minority group, in order to be eligible for these scholarships. Some scholarships could additionally ask applicants to prove their dedication to volunteer work or leadership potential.

These scholarships increase access to higher education, which not only addresses the financial challenges faced by minority students but also supports diversity and equal representation in all academic fields. They give minority students the freedom to pursue their interests while advancing their fields.

Community Service Awards

Minority students can apply for a variety of community service awards that honor their commitment to improving their neighborhoods or any type of social action on their part. One such prize is the Black Student Success Scholarship, which offers minority students who have proven leadership and dedication to community service a financial aid of $1,000.

The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Award is another noteworthy prize that supports women who are the main breadwinners in their families. This honor not only acknowledges volunteerism but also provides recipients with up to $10,000 in financial support to further their educational and professional ambitions.

The Tina E. Yeh Community Service Fellowship is available to minority students who have shown a strong commitment to volunteering. Grantees of this fellowship are given a stipend of up to $5,000 to aid them in their community service projects.

Candidates must be minority students, have a history of community service, and demonstrate financial need, though the qualifications for these awards can vary. The application procedure may include requirements for essays, letters of recommendation, and proof of community service.

Tribal College Funds

Tribal College Funds offers beneficial scholarship possibilities that are especially designed to aid Native American students in reaching their academic objectives. These funding take into account the special difficulties and obstacles that Native American students frequently encounter when trying to obtain higher education.

Applicants must be enrolled members of federally recognized tribes or the offspring of registered tribal members in order to be eligible for these scholarships. This stipulation guarantees that Native American people and cultures will directly benefit from the cash.

Native American students pursuing four-year college degrees can apply for a number of grants and incentives from Tribal College Funds. The financial strain of tuition and other educational expenses is lessened thanks to these scholarships. Tuition, books, housing, and other costs related to school may all be covered through scholarships and awards.

Tribal College Funds assists Native American students in pursuing higher education, which not only promotes individual success but also strengthens and empowers Native communities. These grants provide students with the means to pursue their academic and professional ambitions while conserving their cultural heritage.

Scholarships for Black and African American Students

Black and African American student scholarships are intended to support and financially help those pursuing higher education. These scholarships have been created especially to address the particular difficulties that this minority group has and to advance equal access to high-quality education. Numerous institutions and organizations provide scholarships that can be used to pay for school costs like tuition and books. In addition to easing financial burdens, these scholarships honor the academic prowess, potential for leadership, and civic engagement of Black and African American students. Students can achieve their educational goals through these chances, give back to their communities, and open the door to a better future. Scholarships for Black and African American students are essential for advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in higher education and giving students more influence.

STEM Scholarships for Black and African American Students

For Black and African American students who want to major in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects, there are a number of scholarships available. Underrepresented minorities are encouraged and supported by these scholarships to seek higher education and professions in these fields.

Students must often be of Black or African American heritage, have a solid academic record, and qualify for these scholarships. They could also need to prove their capacity for leadership, dedication to volunteerism, and financial need. Additionally, candidates for STEM scholarships may need to have a declared major or the intention to pursue a course of study in a scientific or mathematical discipline.

The following scholarships are offered to Black and African American students who are interested in STEM fields:

  1. Scholarships from The United Negro College Fund (UNCF): The UNCF provides a number of awards especially for minority students pursuing STEM degrees. These awards help with the cost of tuition, books, and other related educational expenses.
  2. Black students pursuing degrees in engineering and other similar professions can apply for scholarships from the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Both undergraduate and graduate students are helped by these awards.
  3. Black women who are pursuing degrees in fields connected to chemistry are eligible for the BWISE Scholarship. It strives to support and encourage Black women working in STEM professions.

Black and African American students can receive financial assistance to pursue their interests in STEM and contribute to the diversification of these disciplines by taking advantage of these scholarship options.

Scholarships for First-Generation Black and African American Students

For students who are Black or African American and are first-generation, there are many scholarships available. These scholarships are intended to give these students the financial assistance and inspiration they need to continue their college studies and succeed academically.

Being a first-generation college student is one frequent requirement for eligibility for these scholarships. With an understanding of the difficulties they could have navigating the higher education system, these scholarships aim to aid students who are the first in their families to enroll in college. To be eligible for these scholarships, applicants may need to show financial need in addition to being first-generation students.

The Enterprise Holdings ROAD Forward Scholarship is one notable scholarship option. Students from African American colleges who are members of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) are eligible for this grant. It helps undergraduate students' professional development while offering financial aid to those seeking education.

The Fund for Education Abroad scholarship program is an additional option to take into account. These scholarships are available to minority and first-generation college students who are interested in studying abroad, while they are not especially designed for first-generation students. They offer financial assistance so that students can take part in educational programs overseas and get priceless global experiences.

For first-generation Black and African American students, there are numerous possibilities available, of which these scholarships are just a few examples. These scholarships seek to encourage the academic and professional achievement of these individuals by offering financial aid and assistance, therefore assisting in the advancement of greater diversity and representation in higher education.

Scholarships for Black and African American Graduate Students

Graduate scholarships for Black and African American students offer important financial assistance and chances for academic success. A few notable scholarships created especially for these students are listed below:

  1. The American College of Healthcare Executives' Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship is intended to assist minority students seeking graduate degrees in healthcare administration. The scholarship value is $5,000, and the application date is normally in March. Applicants must be Black or African American, show financial need, and be enrolled in a degree in healthcare administration or a closely related field in order to qualify.
  2. National Black MBA Association Scholarship: This scholarship is provided by the National Black MBA Association to support Black and African American students pursuing graduate business degrees. The application deadline varies, and the scholarship amount can range from $1,000 to $15,000. Eligible applicants must be members of the National Black MBA Association, demonstrate academic excellence, and show a commitment to leadership and community service.
  3. The Point Foundation BIPOC Scholarship: Years of racial discrimination and an education system rooted in biased policies highlight the additional hurdles faced by students from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities. When these challenges intersect with those encountered by students who identify as LGBTQ, pursuing a higher education degree may appear daunting. The Point Foundation seeks to address these issues by offering financial assistance, community support, and opportunities for professional development.

Graduate Black and African American students can use these scholarships to get the money they need to continue their studies and advance their careers. To improve their chances of winning these vital awards, students should understand the deadlines for applications and each scholarship's qualifying requirements.

American Indian Scholarships

Scholarships for American Indians: American Indian students may have particular difficulties in pursuing higher education, such as financial constraints and restricted access to resources. For American Indian students, there are fortunately lots of scholarships available to help overcome these challenges. These scholarships offer financial support for undergraduate and graduate courses with the goal of empowering and assisting American Indian students in their academic endeavors. These scholarships aim to broaden educational opportunity and support American Indian students' academic progress by providing financial aid options. American Indian scholarships are crucial in expanding educational possibilities for Native American communities, whether through collaboration with tribal universities, appreciation of cultural history, or dedication to academic performance.

Four-Year College Grants and Awards

Undergraduate students who are pursuing a college degree at a four-year university can apply for grants and awards particularly created for four-year colleges. Students from underrepresented minority groups, such as Pacific Islanders, Asian Americans, African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic and Latino students, are intended to benefit financially from these scholarships. These awards frequently have requirements for eligibility that include academic distinction, participation in volunteer work, and proof of financial need. These scholarships assist minority students in overcoming financial obstacles and gaining access to higher education by offering financial aid alternatives. Additionally, they support and celebrate the accomplishments of underrepresented students, giving them the confidence to pursue their academic objectives and find success in their chosen industries.

Grants for Black and African American Students

Grants are an important source of funding for Black and African American students' academic pursuits. Numerous prestigious grants are created specifically to help minority students pursue their academic and professional ambitions.

The Wisconsin Minority Undergraduate Retention Grant strives to broaden the diversity on the campuses of the state's universities. It offers financial aid to undergraduate students from underrepresented groups, such as Black and African American students, assisting them in continuing their studies and moving closer to graduation.

Black and African American students pursuing PhDs in accounting are supported by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Fellowship for Minority Doctoral Students. For students to excel in their academic and professional endeavors, this fellowship program offers financial aid and chances for professional development.

Students who are Black or African American and enrolled in an authorized Iowa post-secondary institution are eligible for the Iowa Minority Academic Grant for Economic Success (IMAGES). This award helps students pay for their education while simultaneously encouraging economic success by giving them the education and training necessary for lucrative employment.

The Lettie Pate Grant is intended particularly for female Spelman College students who are Black or African American. This scholarship provides financial aid, making education more affordable and attainable while supporting women in their pursuit of a college degree.

The Need Based Grant at Howard University is intended to help Black and African American students who can prove their financial need. By helping to pay for tuition, fees, and other educational expenditures, this scholarship makes it possible for eligible individuals to pursue higher education.

These kinds of grants give Black and African American students essential financial resources to support them throughout their academic careers. These programs seek to close the gap and increase chances for academic success and professional advancement by providing financial support.

What are the best minority scholarships?

The Gates Scholarship is given to a student from one of the following racial backgrounds: African-American, American Indian/Native American, Alaska Native, Asian & Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American. The award will cover the remaining cost of college attendance after all other types of financial aid have been applied.

Do I need to complete the FAFSA to qualify for a minority scholarship?

Some minority scholarships require that the student show proof of demonstrated financial need. They may do this by having students submit a copy of their parent's most recent tax return or a copy of their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Many schools even require that students complete the FAFSA to qualify for any of their own awards, including merit scholarships. Students who submit the FAFSA may be eligible for federal student loans, federal grants and state grants. Even if you're not required to submit the FAFSA, it's always good practice to complete it. You never know what kind of aid you might receive.

How can I maximize my minority scholarships?

There are many different types of minority scholarships available, and you're not limited to those that only fit one part of your background. For example, if you're part of the LGBTQIA+ community and are African-American, you should apply for scholarships for both LGBTQIA+ students and African-American students.