Dreambound Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

Our mission at Dreambound is to build the best place for students to find and pay for vocational training programs. However, we know that financial barriers can stop many students from enrolling. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their dreams.

Scholarship Details

  • Award amount: $500
  • For use towards any vocational training program in the US
  • Open to new and existing students on the Dreambound platform

Eligibility Criteria

  • No need to have a Dreambound account to apply
  • Applicants must be at least 16 years old
  • Must be located in the United States
  • Open to applicants enrolled in or seeking to enroll in vocational training

Application Process

  1. Complete the online application form on the Dreambound website
  2. Submit a 500-word essay on why you deserve the scholarship and how it will help achieve your career goals

The scholarship recipient will be notified via email and announced on our website and social media channels. We encourage all eligible students to apply and share this opportunity with friends and family who may also benefit from the Dreambound Scholarship. We are committed to supporting the dreams of our students and fostering a community of students looking to start new careers.

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