Mister Rogers Memorial Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The Mister Rogers Memorial Scholarship is a prestigious opportunity for rising seniors, graduating seniors (continuing directly to graduate school), and graduate students (Masters or Ph.D.) enrolled in accredited U.S. colleges or universities. This scholarship is dedicated to those with a deep commitment to children's media and an ultimate goal of contributing to this field.

Scholarship Details

  • Open to rising seniors, graduating seniors, and graduate students
  • Supports projects related to children's media and learning or creative elements
  • Recipients receive disbursements through their institution

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must demonstrate commitment to at least two specified fields
  • Applicants should have a clear goal of working in children's media

Application Process

  1. Complete the online application and submit a detailed project plan and budget
  2. Provide a video explaining your project
  3. Include two letters of recommendation from faculty or professionals in the children's media industry
  4. Recipients must remain enrolled during the scholarship period

Applicants should demonstrate their dedication through coursework or hands-on experience in fields such as early childhood education, child development/child psychology, film/television production, music, animation, or cross-platform entertainment.

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