SAS Clean Air Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

To be eligible for the SAS Clean Air Scholarship, applicants must: be a citizen or legal resident of the United States of America or have a valid student visa; be registered as a student at an accredited high school, college, or university within the United States; and must be either a high school junior or senior (with a 3.0 GPA) or a college freshman (with a 2.5 GPA). In addition to providing the basic information in the application, applicants must also submit a current photo and a current transcript.

Applying for this scholarship requires three things: Air Quality Importance Story (Using any format or tools, [video, infographics, words, photos, modeling, original art and imagery] tell us what air quality means to you); About Me Essay (Eligible candidates must submit a 500-1000 word essay to help us get to know a little more about you and why you'd be a good candidate for this scholarship. In addition, answer an assigned question.); and the Release Form (Fill out the attached form with your information and release permission to Sentry Air Systems to share your entry and personal picture.) Scholarship Search