

Multiple Allege Sexual Harassment by Yale Doctor at Clinic

Multiple Allege Sexual Harassment by Yale Doctor at Clinic
Suada Kolovic

A former nephrology professor at Yale University's medical school has been accused of sexual harassment while he was medical director of a dialysis clinic where physicians treat patients, according to The New York Times.

The professor, Rex L. Mahnensmith, worked at Yale for more than two decades. In January 2014, he was removed from the practice at the university and forced to resign from the faculty in April. Now, there are two federal lawsuits that assert that he had a history of sexual misconduct that stretches back more than a decade; in that case, a young nephrologist filed a formal university complaint of sexual misconduct against Dr. Mahnensmith. (The complaint was resolved when he was ordered to attend sensitivity training.) With sexual misconduct running rampant on campuses across the country these days, universities are being held more accountable for the safety of students and employees. A Yale spokesman declined to comment on the litigation to the Times but said the university takes sexual-harassment allegations seriously and is working to improve the campus climate for women. (For a more in-depth look into this story, check out The New York Times.)

For the second time in less than a year, the Yale School of Medicine is embroiled in charges of sexual harassment. What should be done to assure prospective students that changes are on the way? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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