

This Week is American Education Week 2021

This Week is American Education Week 2021
Liz Montenegro

When asked the question, “Who was your favorite teacher or coach growing up?” For most anyone, an image of that educator’s face immediately pops up in their mind. What was it about that person that made them stand out? Maybe it was the way they encouraged or inspired you as no others had previously done. Perhaps they saw something in you that helped you to gain the confidence to achieve a goal that had once seemed unattainable. The truth is, there are as many answers to this question as there are people in this world. One common denominator unites them: it all started with the foundation of mutual respect and trust this individual established with you.

A quality education begins with building relationships. In her famous TED Talk, “Every Kid Needs a Champion,” Dr. Rita Pierson, who was a 40-year veteran teacher and motivational speaker said, “Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”

In the spirit of American Education Week’s 100th anniversary, why not reach out to your favorite teacher(s) to thank them for making a positive impact on your life? Some ways you can show your support and appreciation would be to send them an email or write them a card expressing your gratitude.

Scholarships for Future and Current Educators

To make a tangible difference in the lives of students, the possibilities are endless. Maybe you are passionate about a certain academic subject and would like to work with students to help them succeed in that area. You may feel a calling to inspire the next generation of artists, musicians, or athletes. Teaching is a very rewarding career, but there are other school site-based roles that are critical to the success of students. To name a few, these positions include guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language pathologists, psychologists, and administrators.

If you are considering a career in education, there is a wide variety of scholarships and grants available to aspiring and current educators. See below for featured scholarships:

To be eligible for the Fulgham-Fulghum National Family Foundation, Inc. Scholarship,high school seniors must have been accepted to a college or university and must be entering a program leading to a career in teaching, social services or nursing.

Undergraduate chemistry students who are enrolled in an eligible college with a 3.0 GPA or higher and express an interest in teaching high school chemistry can apply for an opportunity to receive up to $10,000 through the ACS-Hach Land Grant Undergraduate Scholarship.

The Early Childhood Educators Scholarship Program is available to currently employed Early Childhood Teachers. This scholarship can help cover the cost of up to $9,000 toward earning an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree in Early Childhood Studies or related programs.

We make it simple and match you to college scholarships you qualify for.