Updated: April 16, 2024

Political Science Scholarships

If things aren’t dramatic enough on "The Real World," just flip the channel to a newscast: politics are never lacking in the drama department. Perhaps under the guise of "do-good" efforts and diplomatic affairs, this is what really draws students into the field: the excitement, competition and, yes, the ever-present drama.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Political Science Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

Whatever it is that makes you want to study political science, go with your gut. Political science majors will learn more than the facts. They will receive a well-rounded college education almost guaranteed to prepare them for future success. After all, attending college as a political science major lets you see the big picture, a useful skill whether you go on to practice law, participate in politics or work in practically any other field.

Unfortunately, such a phenomenally useful college education comes at a cost. Even the most ambitious and talented students may find it difficult to pay for school, but that should not stop them from pursuing their goals. Many political science scholarships are available to students who plan to make the subject their college major so before moving on to general scholarship awards, political science students may want to look for college scholarships based on their area of study. After all, it takes a special kind of person to find C-SPAN fascinating and political science scholarship providers want to recognize such people and reward them with scholarship money.

By conducting a free college scholarship search at Scholarships.com, students can find political science scholarships they are eligible to receive. Without exerting additional effort, they can eliminate competition from students who don’t share their major. Certainly, the politically-minded can see how this would be a smart move.