Updated: May 14, 2024

College Scholarships and Grants for Single Mothers

In addition to childrearing, household responsibilities, and providing for the family, single mothers who want to go to college have a whole new list of responsibilities. For most of us, this is an impossible feat, but single moms always find a way to make it work. According to Raise the Nation, an organization dedicated to helping single mothers who want to continue their education, nearly 38% of single mothers live at or below the poverty level. Single moms with at least a bachelor’s degree are five times less likely to find themselves in dire financial states, which is why it is important for returning students who are single parents to find money for college and get that degree.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 College Scholarships and Grants for Single Mothers with Approaching Deadlines

Considering how much it costs to raise a family, single mothers looking to go to college need financial aid. Luckily, countless organizations recognize that single parents need help paying for school. That is why a lot of college scholarships and grants were created specifically for single mothers. These scholarships help single moms afford the education they need to create a secure financial future for themselves and their children.

Take a look at the scholarship opportunities for single mothers. For more scholarship information about single-parent scholarship programs, as well as other programs, conduct a free college scholarship search at Scholarships.com.