Updated: June 11, 2024

Scholarship Opportunities

Looking to find money for college? You’re in luck. There are plenty of scholarship opportunities out there and we are more than happy to share them with you. The government, colleges, corporations, non-profit organizations, and private providers all offer a number of ways to help students pay for a college education. While many students believe they have no choice but to take out student loans for college, that is not the case. Students in need of scholarships can find plenty of them at our site. With more than 2.7 million scholarship and grant opportunities worth more than $19 billion, just about everyone is bound to find something. Why not take advantages of their offers by conducting a free college scholarship search?

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Scholarship Opportunities with Approaching Deadlines

There Are Scholarship Opportunities for Everyone

A commonly held belief is that college scholarships and grants are only available to the most active, most brilliant, and most talented of students, and that there are no scholarship opportunities for average students, or even above-average students who lack exceptional backgrounds or exceptional financial need. But not every scholarship award is tailored specifically to the valedictorian basketball star future beauty queen lawyers among us. We have scholarship opportunities in our database for students of all walks of life with all sorts of skill sets. Maybe writing essays is your thing? Our resources section contains extensive lists of essay scholarships. We also have scholarships for adult students, scholarships for minorities, and scholarships for women, as well as scholarship opportunities for business school, education majors, journalism students, and many others. Additionally, our database features an extensive array of local scholarships for all 50 states. Scholarships.com even offers our own $1,000 college scholarships to students pursuing a variety of common areas of study. And better still, by registering an account and completing a profile on Scholarships.com, you will have access to a list of scholarship opportunities tailored to your interests, abilities, and experiences just by conducting a free scholarship search.

Paid Services Don’t Pay Off

There is never a reason to pay for a scholarship search service when access to a large database of awards is readily available at no cost. Some students assume that paying to use a scholarship website will increase their probability of winning an award, or buy the line that scholarship opportunities may be going "unclaimed" in a special pay-per-view clearinghouse, but this is simply not true. In fact, a study by numerous colleges found that only 1 percent of students who used fee-based scholarship services actually won awards.

Search for Scholarship Opportunities

Students don’t need to look hard for scholarship opportunities—they just need to look. There are more than enough out there, and free information is readily available. Check out our " Resources" for additional scholarship and financial aid information, and begin saving for your education today.